EFT Healing Success Stories - Emotional Freedom Technique Testimonials
These rave testimonials showcase the profound emotional healing and empowerment my clients have experienced through Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) sessions. Read these emotional success stories and testimonials to learn how EFT tapping can help you too.
Raving Client EFT Testimonials
"I went from a crying mess, full of anxiety to feeling like a goddess." Rachel, London
"I trust and respect Cinzia’s expertise as an EFT practitioner. She is one of the most skilful tappers I have come across." Salome, Johannesburg
"All of a sudden I felt like that feeling I have always felt in my chest was just poof, gone, like magic." Kitti, London
My EFT Success Stories and Testimonials
Hear How EFT Tapping Has Brought Down Sally's Last Walls
After decades of therapy, Sally found this compassionate EFT approach met her desperate needs with kindness. The tapping visualization techniques finally broke down longstanding barriers other modalities couldn’t touch. Sally wholeheartedly recommends this transformative work.
Hear How EFT Tapping Releases Anger and Anxiety
Through EFT tapping, Kitti released lifelong anxiety and anger that had harmed her life and relationships. After just one session, she experienced lasting relief and now handles conflicts with calm. Kitti conveys deep trust and gratitude for the compassionate process that enabled her emotional healing.

Rachel's Story: EFT Tapping Uncovers Inner Joy and Peace
I was drawn to Cinzia’s profile immediately on screen, I could sense her energy and knew she would be the right person for me.
I wasn’t wrong! She’s beyond words amazing. Accommodating, meeting me exactly where I was at, making me feel validated, comfortable, valued, cared for and loved. She has so much compassion and empathy, she made me feel like I can conquer anything…
Her special work is very powerful, moving and effective. Besides, discovering tapping has been profound! I went from a crying mess, full of anxiety to feeling like a goddess. It was emotional but extremely rewarding. I cannot thank her enough. Cinzia has a voice of an angel that put a smile on my face, which I could also feel in my heart. It’s warming and kind. I’ve anchored this sound so that I can tap into it in times of crisis. Just the one like - “I honour who I am” is more important than I ever imagined. I am truly grateful to have found this earth angel…Thank you Cinzia, you’re a beacon of light x

Camilla’s Story: EFT Tapping Transforms Self-Confidence
Hi everyone, I'm Camilla, with so many childhood traumas, so many psychologists behind me who have only worked on my conscious mind, not 100% solving my problems.
The path I followed with Cinzia helped me a lot in working on my subconscious and my emotions, sometimes even having sessions of 2 hours if necessary... when the time limit was an hour and a half. This makes it clear that she really cares about your recovery and improvement! My greatest results are the daily work on myself thanks to the techniques received from Cinzia to remind me how much I am worth and how much I deserve to feel good by loving and choosing myself every day. I felt listened to by Cinzia, fully understood in a short time… we only had 5 sessions, once a month of an hour and a half (sometimes two) in video call and after each session I had a different conception of my life and new tools to improve it thanks to Cinzia. Overall, I understood that no one saves you if you don't really want to save yourself. By working hard and practicing Cinzia's "self love" advice every day and by really loving and choosing yourself every day you will see that everything else will come by itself. Thank you Cinzia for the wonderful journey together, for helping me get better I feel I am in the process of healing! Aware of my potential and putting your techniques into practice every day I know that I will soon arrive at total healing or: LOVING and CHOOSING ME every day.
more EFT Success Stories and Testimonials...

Radha's Testimonial: EFT Tapping Uplifts Mood and Energy
I really want to thank you from the bottom of my hear for your positive vibes. Your body language and your smile make me feel better and change my mood and then you start to understand my situation and help me with tapping and it works like magic. It really changes the emotional and traumatic level from high to low instantly. Your sessions really give me boost and energy and they help me a lot. Once again thanks for your sessions and your vibes and energy boundleness.

Ilona's Review: EFT Tapping Enables Emotional Breakthroughs
Your ability to create and hold a safe place while working with emotional challenges helped me greatly to be open and overcome the difficulties. I felt listened to and understood every time. Your gentle yet very powerful way of working with EFT feels very comforting and soothing without exception. I would definitely recommend your sessions to anybody. Your work's impact on my life is amazing!

Antinia’s Review: EFT Tapping Creates Spiritual and Physical Wellbeing
It was such an amazing experience to have EFT session with Cinzia , that focus on accepting the emotional and psychological state and get healing from it spiritually and physically. Hope this is the not last time dealing with you Cinzia because I would like to learn new things from you in the near future.

Salome's Testimonial: EFT Tapping an Ally To Navigate Stormy Waters
I trust and respect Cinzia’s expertise as an EFT practitioner. She is one of the most skilful tappers I have come across. Besides, she is a loving, kind and focused ally to have on your side when exploring the depths of human experience through tapping. She knows how to safely steer the boat over stormy waters to the other side with amazing capability and ease.
a few more EFT Success Stories and Testimonials...

Yanina’s Story: EFT Tapping Awakens Transformation and Healing
Thank you very much for the wonderful EFT sessions. In just a few sessions, we were able to work through one of the most traumatic moments of my life. I freed myself from the emotions of the past and was finally able to feel peace within myself. You helped me to love and accept that part of myself that I constantly ignored and didn't want to see. Besides, I want to note the dedication and efforts that you made to help me in each session. I felt really safe, and I felt how carefully and with love you guided me through all my experiences and emotions, so I could release them and could feel more alive and happy (and these feeling are still staying with me).
Veda's Testimonial: EFT Tapping Empowers Wholeness and Worthiness
These 5 days journey has been so transformative. I conveyed my issues regarding lack of my ability to trust myself, having that comparison energy, not feeling good enough. Her passion and her desire to help and heal others is conveyed through her work and this is something that has helped me to heal as well. Every session took me so much closer. If you are having any issue that you would want to get resolved or get cleared out of the system, she is the go to person because she knows how to hold space and then introduces a variety of tools to dig in deeper and just clear it out of the system for once and for all.
Kitti's Story: EFT Tapping Lessens Anxiety and Negative Emotions
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your listening, your care, your messages in between sessions that it shows that you care. You are the perfect person to help others and I feel like you do this so passionately, you are so passionate about it, helping others and I feel like this is not just work for you but like a mission, a purpose in life. It really means a lot and I am really happy that I've found you because I feel like it was meant to be, that you can help me.
Ada's review: EFT Tapping Transforms Self-Worth and Relationships
My experience with working with Cinzia was one of the most healing, positive and helpful experiences of my life. She ALWAYS made me feel better after the end of our session, no matter how difficult the topic we dealt with was. I'm so incredibly grateful that I've met her, and that she taught me so much. She inspired my spiritual awakening and my connection to my Higher Self. I felt immediately connected and comfortable with her as well. I wish her the best, because she deserves it ❤️🙏
...and the last ones EFT Success Stories and Testimonials...
Shannon's Review
Cinzia is so bright and fun to work with. During our session we were able to uncover some really deep things which was very liberating and enjoyable. I can't recommend her services enough!
Suryansh's Review
I am grateful for your work, these sessions are really helping me by acting as a wake up call every week. The worrying has reduced a lot and most of the time I am able to live in the present moment. I am amazed by your ability to identify the issues. I believe you have identified the issue which is holding me back so I am really excited for the next session.Thank you so much for all your efforts and giving your all to help me, I am starting to feel back at home again.
Giovanna's Review
Amazing experience!
I bumped into a post from Cinzia and decided to contact her. I didn’t know what to expect.
She asked me a few questions and then we started the actual session.
We worked on how to accept our emotions instead of trying to control them.
At the end I felt already a sense of relief from a weight.
I surely want to work more with her. -
Paul's Review
I have been working with Cinzia since July so over 4 months and she has been awesome in helping me discover more self-awareness through EFT tapping, a technique, that I have heard about before but only started practicing now, thanks to her spirit and energy 🙏🏻She not only bestowed her healing on me where I feel real transformative shifts but also on a friend of mine who needed some help to enable him to overcome his phobias of crowds, and he was so determined, that he went straight after the session into a shopping center amidst all the crowds !!! 😮 I couldn't recommend Cinzia enough whether it be your first EFT session for removal of anxiety and stress or even as a first timer in Energy or holistic healing, you will love her, I promise!!
Karan's Review
I had tried many things, methods and techniques, but the best results came when I worked with you. Now I love myself more and judge myself less. It’s really amazing to see such a big transformation Thank you very much, Cinzia. I am really grateful to you!